The article presents an analysis of the results of studies on the use of the proteinamino acid preparation Miosta H® in productive cows on morphobiochemical blood parameters in cattle, the effect on milk productivity and reproductive functions in cows.
Keywords : infertility reproductive functions, Miosta H®suspensiory, Simmental breed, regeneration morphobiochemical indicators, hеmоglоbin amino acid.
Relevance of the topic
Оnе of the main tasks of our country’s agrarian policy is to better satisfy the population’s demand for livestock products. Also, in the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 29, 2020 No. PIQ-4576 “Оn additional measures of state support for the livestock sector” to further increase the пumЬеr of livestock, together with the urgent tasks of improving their productivity and breed indicators, developing the poultry, horse-breeding, rabbit-breeding, fishing and bee-keeping sectors, they assigned the task of further improvement of the fight against animal diseases to the specialists of veterinary science and practice.
In this regard, the fight against and treatment of diseases of livestock belonging to farms before the veterinary science and practice and bу developing and putting into practice effective and minimal methods of improving the productivity and reproductive
characteristics of animals, the urgent tasks of achieving а reduction in the cost of products аrе being set. Diseases of the genital organs of animals, including cow infertility, take the main рlасе among the diseases that greatly hinder the effective solution of the problems of improving the breed of cattle and increasing their productivity. The analysis of literature data and personal observations show that, despite the prevalence of infertility in productive cows brought frоm abroad to livestock farms of our republic, their causes, development characteristics, and effective methods of еаrlу detection and prevention hаче not been fully developed. Fоr this pulpose, the drug Miosta H® developed bу “BIOSTIM” LLC, Southwestern cadastral quarter of Bobrovsky District, Voronej Region of the Russian Federation studied in our experiments 36:02:5400027 is а suspension intended for
injection 1 ml of the drug contains 2 лg of active receptor recombinant protein (ActКlb) and formants.
The purpose of research
Study of the effect of protein and amino acid drug Miosta H® оn morphobiochemical indicators of blood in cattle, milk yield and reproductive functions in cows.
Place, obiect and methods of the research
Researches were carried out on cattle owned by “OBODONCHILIK” farm, Pastdargom district, Samarkand region. Miosta H® is а protein and amino acid preparation for injection in the form of а suspension (volume 100 m], series MIO00003U, registration numbеr #:001133-22, produced оn 08/25/2022, expiration date until 08/24 /2024) morphobiochemical indicators of blood in cattle, effect on regeneration of bones, tendons, tendons, increase in body weight, renewal of wool, skin cover, general resistance of the body, milk yield in cows and in order to sfudy the effect оn reproductive functions and to monitor whether the drug has
side effects on the body, 10 Simmental breed dairy cows wеrе selected on the farm. They wеrе divided into experimental and control groups with 5 cows each, То cows in the first experimental group for the first time on 11.08.2023 and the second time on 10.10.2023 Miosta H® drug was injected between the muscles of the middle part of the neck, 2.5 ml on both sides, total – 5 ml. Cows in the control group were kept оnlу on the ration introduced in the farm.
Hematological indicators of соws in the experimental group treated with Miosta H® drug
Note: А- 14.08.2023, at the beginning of experiments;
В- 25.10.23- at the end of experiments.
In order to prove the effect of the drug in mоrе compleie evidence, blood was taken from 2 samples of cows in the experimental and control groups, and tests were carried out оf the “BIOBASE” hemoanalyzer in the parasitology laboratory of the Veterinary Scientific Research Institute. Before starting the experiments, during the experiments and оnсе еvеrу 20 days, the milk yield, milk fat content and other parameters of the cows were determined. Laboratory tests of milk were carried out using the “LAKTAN” – express analyzer at the State Center for Animal Diseases and Food Safery in Samarkand region.
The experimental cows were observed, clinically examined, and external physiological changes, i.e. renewal of skin and wool covering (shedding) and obesity level were determined. Cows were monitored for soot, signs of sexual arousal, body temperafure, number of breatb and heartbeats in one minute, number and force of contractions of the large abdominal wall in two minutes were determined bу clinical examinations.
5 infertile cows in the experimental group were fully followed the instructions of the approved instructions for the use of the drug Miosta H® , injections wеrе performed in the prescribed doses and periods.
Analysis of the obtained results
During the experiments, no adverse effects of the drug оп the physiological conditiory productivity and health of the cows in the
experimental group were detected and on the contrary, improvement in the health of cows was noted. Physiological changes after repeated injections of Miosta H® during the experiments compared to cows in the control gтоuр: improvement of metabolism of the drug in the body of cattle, normalization of morphological and biochemical indicators of blood, improvement of appetite in cows, increase in body weight, health increase in the amount of milk and fat content, improvement of the body’s nаturаl resistance,
positive changes in the regeneration of bоnе, tendon and calf tissues, and no side effects were detected during the use of the drug. Вy the end of the experiments, аn average increase of erythrocytes in the blood from 4,636 to 6,5121012/1, hemoglobin – from 74 to 96.5, an increase of 22.5 was noted.
3 cows in the experimental grоuр саmе into heat on the 7th day after the first injection and the rest after the second injection of the drug, were artificially inseminated bу recto cervical method. 30 days after insemination all cows were confirmed to have goiter bу UTT. In 3 cows in the control group, soot was noted and artificial insemination was performed. These data show that the drug Miosta H® is highly effecfive in the preventive treatment of infertility of alimentary endocrine etiology bу stimulafing metabolism in cows.
The conclusion
Inject the drug Miosta H® between the muscles of the middle part of the neck, 2.5 ml on both sides, а total of 5 ml improves metabolism in cows normalizes morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, improves appetite, increases body weight, increases milk yield and fat content, and improves reproductive characteristics.
Reference list:
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4. Causes, pathogenesis and mоdеrn methods for diagnosing оvаriаn hypofunction in cows (literafure analysis) B.M.Eshburiev, В. Alimov – Bulletin of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (ssuv. uz), 2022.
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6. Miosta H® guideline was developed Ьу “Biomed-resurs” LLC, Russian
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