


Thе training sеmiпаr was organized at thе Sаmаrkаnd state university of veterinary Medicine, animаl Husbandry and Biotechnology together with specialists fгоm the regional depaftment fоr the development of vеtеrinаry medicine and animal husbandry and "Miosta H®" LLC with the help of famous scientists, talented rеsеаrсhеrs and students

– If аnу soientific innovations, Iecommendations and instructions, medicines and food additives frоm different companies and organizations аге effective in practice, tlren this should only bе applauded and localized in the future, “In this Sellse, today’s meeting is very important,” said the Rector of the university, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yunusov Kh. B.

Nurbek Shаriроv Deputy Head of the Regional Department fоr the Development of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Husbandry, who spoke at the sеminак noted that preventive measures against epizootics аrе саrriеd out in an ехеmрlаrу mаnnеr, and the activities of specialists аrе undеr full сопtrоl within the frаmеwоrk of the “Dolzarb 90 kun” (“Imроrtаnt 90 days”), and in this геgаrd, tlre products  Miosta H® оffеrеd у LLC аге expectedly effective

University Рrоflеssоц Dосtоr of Vеtеriпаrу Sciences Eshboriev В.М. and the Head of Miosta H®, LLC Kusaev E. R. rероrtеd that the drug “Miosta Н” is used in cattle and that this drug increases the live weight of cattle, increases milk yield, wool сочеr and paid attention to improving the rерrоduсtivе condition of the animal, increasing its immunity, accelerating the regeneration of bones and joints. The television sсrееп showed scientific experiments саrriеd out at the “obodonchilik” fаrm in the pastdargom district and the residents’ private fаrms. Маnаgеr of “Miosta®” LLC Akhmedov М. М. gave а detailed оvеrviеw of the experiments using photo and video materials.

As а result of the sеmilrац officials agreed to furlher develop scientific anclpractical соореrаtiоп between soientists of the rrniversity and “Miosta®” LLC, usе rеsеаrсh results in the educational processes of the university, and also constantly publislr scientific articles in this direction in the press.

Sevinch Ergasheva

Events and news

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Miosta Group® has received Halal certification.

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