


The Article describes the results of studies оп the effect of the protein-amino acid drug Miosta H® on morphobiochemical blood parameters and milk productivity in productive cows, it was found that the administration of the drug intramuscularly, in the neck аrеа, from both sides of 2.5 ml, total 5 ml, the second time, on the fifteenth day of experiments in such doses, has а positive effect on morphobiochemicaI parameters and milk productivity of dairy cows.

Keywords: "Miosta H®" , suspension, simmental breed, ration, milk productivity, hemoanalyzer 'BIOBASE", erythrocytes, hеmоglоbin amino acids.

Relevance of the topic

Veterinary science and practice are faced with the urgent tasks of reducing the cost of products bу developing and implementing effective and minimal methods of combating and treating diseases of livestock belonging to farms and increasing animal productivity.

Analysis of literafure data and реrsоnаl observations show that increasing milk productivity bу stimulating the metabolism of productive cows brought from abroad to livestock farms of our republic and effective methods of improving the nutritional quality of products, based оn the use of various non-specific stimulants, have not been fully developed.

Fоr this purpose, the drug Miosta H® developed bу “BIOSTIM” LLC, Southwestern cadastral quarter of Bobrovsky District, Voronej Region of the Russian Federafion sfudied in our experiments 36:02:5400027 is а suspension intended for injection 1 ml of the drug contains 2 mg of active receptor recombinant protein (ActRllb) and formants.

The purpose of research

Study of the effect of Miosta H® protein and amino acid preparation on morphobiochemical parameters of blood and milk yield in cows.

Place, object and methods of the research

Effect of Miosta H® protein and аmiпо acid suspension recommended bу “Miosta®” LLC on morphobiochemical indicators of blood and milk yield in cows and in order to study the effect on the fat content of milk, scientific-research experiments were conducted оп Simmental dаirу cows belonging to the farms of Samarkand region.  Fоr the experiments, 10 heads оf Simmental dairy cows Were selected based on the principle of “similar pairs”, and they were divided into experirnental and control 8 groups of 5 cows each. Cows in the first (experimental) group were injected with 2.5 ml of the drug Miosta H® in the middle of the neck on both sides for the first time at the beginning of the experiments and for the second time on the fifteenth day of the experiments, а total of 5 ml. Cows in the control group were kept оnlу оn the ration introduced in the farm. When using the drug Miosta H®, the instructions of the approved instructions Were fully followed, injections Were саrriеd out in the prescribed doses and periods. The composition and nutritional content of the diet of the cows in the experiment was analyzed, the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the cow’s bodу with regard to nutritious and biologically active substances was sfudied.

In order to sfudy the effect of the drug on the body of cows, before starting the experiments and оп the thirtieth day of the experiments, blood was taken from cows in
the experimental and сопtrоl groups, and tests were carried out in the “BIOBASE” hemoanalyzer (VITI). The number of erythrocytes, hеmоglоЬirц total protein and glucose in the blood Were determined. Before starting the experiments, during the experiments and once every 10 days, the indicators of milk yield, fat content and density of the cows were determined in the Food safety Laboratory of Samarkand region using the “LAKTAN” express analyzer.

Analysis of the obtained results

In the farm, dairy cows аrе kept in groups (5 heads in each group) without tethering. Feeding is done thrее times a day,watering is carried out with the help of watering cans. Cows are mostly kept in оne place; they lack active mass and sunlight. The ration of cows is in the form of silage concentrate, the composition consists
of the following: 30 kg of silage (56.6%), 10 kg of hay (17.2%), 2kg of alfalfa hау (З.4%), 4 kg canning residues (6.9%),4 kg of wheat groats (6.9%),5 kg оf cornmеаI (8.6%), 2 kg
of sun_flower meal (3.4%),1 kg of soybean meal (1.7%),100g of vegetable oil, 150 ; chalk, 150 g table salt, 200 g of primex. The total satiety of ttre ration is equal to 20.6 nutritional units on average. The Sugaf-protein ratio was 0.38 (the nоrm – 1-1.2:1), the phosphorus-calcium rafio was 0.38 (the nоrm – 2.0:1). During the experiments, no аdversе effects of the drug on the physiological condition, productivity and health of the cows in the experimental group Wеrе detected, and on the contrary, ап improvement in the clinical and physiological condition of the cows was noted.

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Physiological changes during the experiments and after repeated injections of the drug Miosta H® compared to cows in the controi group: improved metabolism of the drug in the body of cattle, normalization of morphobiochemical indicators of blood, improvement of appetite in cows, an increase in the amount of milk produced and thе level of fat content was observed, and по side effects were detected during the use of the drug. Вy the end of the experiments, compared to the values at the beginning of the experiments, erythrocytes in the blood increased from 4.64 to 6.51,1012/ 1, hemoglobin from 74.0 to 96.5 g/1,22.5 g/l, and tota1 protein frоm 66.9 to 76.6 g/l, glucose – from 2.18 to 3.70 mmо1/1, and no significant changes iп these indicators were observed in dairy cows in the control grоuр.

Тhе conclusion

Inject the drug Miosta H® between the muscles of the middle part of the neck, 2.5 ml on both sides, а total of 5 ml improves metabolism in cows, normalizes morphological and biochemical indicators of blood, increases milk yield and fat content.

Reference list:
1. An effective method for preventing disorders of vitamin and mineral metabolism in cows S. B. Eshburiev, B. M. Eshburiev The Way of Science, 2014.

2. Etiology, diagnosis and prevenfion of ovarian dysfunctions in productive cows B. M. Eshburiev, S .O. Ibrokhimov, K. A. Mirzakasimova Agrobiotechnology and veterinary medicine, 2023.

3. Veterinary obstetrics B. M. Eshburiev. Tashkent, 2018. Textbook.

4. Causes, pathogenesis and modern methods for diagnosing ovarian hypofunction in cows (literature analysis) B.Eshburiev, В Alimov -Bulletin of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (ssuv.uz), 2022.

5. А new approach to the treatment of gynecological diseases in cows B. S. Alimov, M. Kh. Khamidov – Agrobiotechnology and veterinary medicine., 202З.

6. Etiopathogenesis and symptoms of hypocobaltosis in productive cows V.B.Abdumajitov, B.M.Eshburiev, S.B.Eshburiev – Academicia: an internationai muitidisciplinary research, 2021.

7. Miosta H® guideline was developed bу “Biomed-Resurs” LLC, Russian Federation in cooperation with “BIOSIM” LLC.

8. Etiopathogenesis and feafures of the course of uterine subinvolution in cows under farm conditions; Republic of Uzbekistan B. M. Eshburiev, Sh. A. Urazov, Zl. Ilyosov – 2019.

9. Effect of nutritional mixtures with microelements on reproductive оrgаns of cows. B. Ch. Soliev, B. M. Eshburiev “Online-conferences” Platform, 2022,

Events and news

17 May 2024

Miosta Group® has received Halal certification.

1 May 2024

Miosta Group® company launches production in Uzbekistan!

2 February 2024

Miosta Group® received a registration certificate for localization of production
